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Ars Magica (5e édition)


Règles et Mémos

Règles et Mémos

Activités vulgaires

Essai infructueux

Afin de diminuer l'impact du hasard sur les jets de compétence (et de caractéristique seule), ils se font avec 1d6.

  • les seuils indiqués dans les règles sont diminués de 2
  • si on obtiens 6, relancer une fois (même si l'on obtient à nouveau 6) et ajouter 6+le second résultat
  • si on obtiens 1, relancer une fois (même si l'on obtiens à nouveau 1) et soustraire le nouveau résultat (sans tenir compte du premier 1)
  • si le résultat final est inférieur à 0, c'est un botch…

<color red>Le résultat n'a pas été satisfaisant parce que les proportions de réussite et d'échec critique changent trop…</color>


Pour une liste presque exhaustive des langues utilisées dans l'Europe Mythique, voir ce site (lien mort :-/).
La capacité d'écrire est représentée d'une part par la compétence Artes Liberales et d'autre part par l'alphabet utilisé. Tant que le personnage possède un score en Artes Liberales et un alphabet, il peut écrire toutes les langues qu'il parle.
À la création, un personnage est considéré maîtriser l'alphabet utilisé dans sa culture. Acquérir un nouvel alphabet demande 2XPs.

Voyage aérien

On parcourt 200 à 500 km par jour en fonction du moyen adopté et de la durée quotidienne de trajet.

  • 35 km/h : pinson, bergeronnette
  • 40 km/h : corbeau, aigrette garzette, colibri
  • 45 km/h : coucou, merle noir, sterne
  • 50 km/h : grue cendrée, balai volant
  • 55 km/h : grand coucou, moineau, alouette
  • 60 km/h : corneille, étourneau
  • 65 km/h : faucon pèlerin (en migration), pigeon voyageur, cygne
  • 70 km/h : tourterelle, héron cendré, faucon crécerelle
  • 75 km/h : cigogne
  • 80 km/h : oies des neiges, hirondelle, colvert, ramier
  • 85 km/h : perdrix grise
  • 90 km/h : caille des blés, martinet (en vol horizontal)
  • plus de 100 km/h : martinet, oie éperonnée, faucon pélerin, aigle royal



  • Activités multiples: possibles même si elles ne font pas appel aux mêmes arts, le plus petit des totaux divisé par le nombre d'activités servant de base de calcul pour tous les travaux entrepris
  • Exposition: toute saison passée à créer dans un laboratoire rapporte 2XPs en Théorie Magique
  • Extraction de Vis: Total de Laboratoire en Creo/Vim / 10 (arrondi au supérieur)


Parma Magica

Si le total Niv. sort+Pénétration-Parma Magica est:

  • supérieur ou égal au niveau du sort, l'effet du sort n'est pas modifié
  • inférieur au niveau du sort, le bon sens et les lignes directrices de la Forme concernée décideront si un effet mineur survient ou rien



  • Personnel - Toucher/Regard - Voix/Odeur - Vue - Connexion d'Arcane
  • La portée contact n'est pas possible en portant des gants


  • Momentané - Concentration/Diamètre - Soleil/Cercle - Lune - Année
  • La durée Année n'est possible qu'avec un rituel


  • Individu/Cercle - Portion - Groupe/Salle - Structure - Zone
  • La taille réelle de la cible Individu est définie par la ligne directrice de la Forme utilisée. Chaque magnitude ajoutée multiplie <color red>la masse</color> maximale de la cible par 10


  • Forme de cœur: seul l'équipement enchanté se transforme avec le porteur
  • Transformation hermétique: l'équipement peut suivre à conditions de lancer le sort en utilisant les réquisitifs de lancer correspondants (chaque réquisitif ajoute une magnitude)

Sorts offensifs

Lors de la création d'un tel sort, chaque magnitude dédiée à la puissance ajoute +1 aux dommages.

  • Sorts de destruction brutale (Creo Ignem, Perdo Corpus…) : on ignore les guidelines. Les dégâts potentiels sont calculés directement en fonction de la magnitude du sort.
    • Dégâts directs avec résistance et jet de ciblage (une boule de feu)
      • dégâts = [le plus bas de Niv. ou Pénétration-Parma] + 0 (si le sort est voyant, comme une boule de feu). Si le sort est discret et ne permet pas d'identifier le sorcier (un Perdo Corpus, par exemple) on applique à la place un malus de - 5.
      • portée = voix
      • durée = instantanée
      • cible = individu
    • Dégâts directs avec résistance mais sans ciblage (un sort d'ignition spontanée)
      • dégâts = [le plus bas de Niv. ou Pénétration-Parma] - 10 (ou – 15 si sort peu visible)
      • portée = voix
      • durée = instantanée
      • cible = individu
  • Sorts de propulsion d'objets (Rego Terram, base 3) avec jet de ciblage, mais sans résistance magique : les guidelines s'appliquent normalement pour définir la taille de l'objet, et la portée. Le sort est forcément momentané puisqu'il ne sert qu'à l'impulsion initiale du mouvement, laissant les lois naturelles régir sa trajectoire (ce qui explique qu'il n'y a pas de résistance magique).
    • Dégâts = PER + Finesse ou compétence appropriée (avec un éventuel malus selon les circonstances) - défense physique + dommages de l'objet



Les sorts dont les caractéristiques sont en <color red>rouge</color> sont encore en quatrième édition, et potentiellement même faux.







  • Niveau 4
    • Caresse du Coquillage Béant

Base 2, toucher +1, diamètre +1, individu
Entrouvre un coquillage bivalve pendant deux minutes. Ce sortilège permet de récolter sans risque les perles de Creo de l'Alliance.
Auteur: Undatio

  • Niveau 20
    • Les Rats Quittent le Navire

Base 2, toucher +1, concentration +1, structure +3
Les rats, souris, cancrelats et autres petites créature indésirables quittent le navire, mais pas au point de se jeter à l'eau. Le sortilège est donc souvent utilisé dans un port pour se délester nuitamment au profit des riverains.
Auteur: Cadarnus?



  • Niveau 25
    • Noyade en Terre Ferme

Base 10 (basé arbitrairement sur l'effet Perdo Corpus 10 : faire perdre un niveau de fatigue), voix +2, concentration +1, individu, nécessite Corpus ou Animal au moment du lancer
Emplit d'eau les poumons de la victime, l'empêchant d'articuler quelque parole que ce soit et provoquant une suffocation rapide. La cible perd un niveau de fatigue par round, puis tombe dans l'inconscience; si le sort est maintenu au-delà de l'inconscience, il cause une blessure légère s'aggravant de round en round jusqu'à la mort.
Auteur: Undatio



  • Niveau 25
    • Chasse de Glace

<color red>Nécéssité: Terram? - voix, jour, partie</color>
Transmute l'eau entourant un individu immergé en cristal. La victime impuissante coule et meurt en quelques secondes.
Auteur: Undatio



  • Niveau 15
    • Perle d'eau

<color red>Toucher, lune, individu</color>
Cristallise un liquide sous la forme d'une perle translucide, qui peut se rechanger en liquide si elle est immergée ou entre en contact avec de l'or.
Auteur: Undatio

  • Niveau 40
    • Cercle d’Écume

Base 4, vue +3, année +4, précision +1, Rituel
Le sort crée un fort courant de surface qui empêche les embarcations de s'approcher. Si on lance dans l'eau un petit coquillage soigneusement préparé, les courants s'apaisent un instant pour laisser pénétrer le bateau d'où il a été jeté. Le nom du sortilège vient du fait que, sous l'effet du sigile d'Undatio, les remous provoqués par le courant créaient une petite bande d'écume visible d'assez loin.
Auteur: Undatio



  • Niveau 15
    • Appel des Brumes Protectrices

Base 3, toucher +1, jour +2, individu, taille +1
Crée une brume épaisse autour du sorcier, sur une zone d'environ 1 km. La brume aura tendance à se dissiper rapidement s'il y a du vent.
Auteur: inconnu?


  • Niveau 25
    • Échos des horizons lointains

Base 5, concentration +1, ouïe +3, cible individuelle
Permet de se mettre à l'écoute des vents et d'entendre ainsi leur description des terres qu'ils ont traversées. Ne permet pas de poser de questions, ni de choisir l'origine du vent.
Auteur: Cadarnus








  • Niveau 45
    • Nuée de Jupiter

Nécessité: Rego et Auram; base 30 (rendre un humain non substantiel, nécessité Auram incluse), soleil +2, Rego (déplacements rapides) +1
Permet de se changer en brume tout en se déplaçant rapidement. Pour pouvoir se débarrasser de cette forme à volonté, il faut avoir pris dans sa bouche une bouffée de vapeur préparée à cet effet à la fin de l'incantation et la recracher.
Auteur: Potentia





  • Niveau 5
    • Invocation de la Monture de la Sorcière

Base 2, toucher +1, soleil +2, individu
Créer un balai de brindilles, généralement dans le but de le chevaucher. Dans cette version, manche et brindilles représentent chacun la moitié de la longueur ce qui permet un confort raisonnable.
Auteur: inconnu





  • Niveau 15
    • Balai Volant

Nécessité: Auram; Base 3, toucher +1, jour +2, individu, nécessité Auram +1
Permet de faire voler un bâton ou un balai, et de voyager ainsi par la voie des airs. Ce n'est toutefois pas d'un grand confort, et les risques de chutes sont élevés si l'on manque de pratique (il existe une compétence associée). On évite en général d'apprendre ce sortilège aux apprentis, qui ont une fâcheuse tendance à faire des chutes mortelles.
Auteur: inconnu



  • Niveau 20
    • Flammes éthérées

Base 3, toucher +1, jour +2, pièce +2
Au moment de lancer ce sort, le mage doit toucher une bougie ou une torche. Par sympathie, toutes les autres torches ou bougies de la pièce vont également s'allumer et brûler d'une flamme sans chaleur, sans se consumer. Les flammes peuvent être éteintes normalement, en soufflant dessus.
Auteur: inconnu?







  • Niveau 15
    • Cacophonie de la colère des Muses

Base 2, intricacy +1, voix +2, diamètre +1, image mobile +1
Fait apparaître tout autour de la cible l'image de myriades de créatures mythiques, semblant plonger sur elle en hurlant des imprécations en grec ancien, afin de rompre sa concentration et d'empêcher toute vision de ce qui se passe autour d'elle.
Auteur: Eudoxia



  • Niveau 15
    • Enchanteresse parure d'un soir

Base 3, image mobile +1, jour +2, toucher +1
Modifie l'apparence et la texture des vêtements et des bijoux de la cible afin de lui permettre d'être fa-bu-leuse en toutes circonstances, et la nimbe du parfum de son choix.
Auteur: Eudoxia









  • Niveau 35
    • Rune de Perplexité

Base 5, regard +1, lune +3, pièce +2
Ce sortilège doit être lancé sur un symbole labyrinthique ou ésotérique complexe. Toute personne posant les yeux sur le tracé et éprouvant la moindre curiosité à son égard reste fascinée par le symbole, tentant en vain d'en percer la signification. Si une stimulation extérieure vient perturber la transe de la victime, elle a droit chaque round à un jet d'INT 9+ pour briser la fascination. Le sortilège est également rompu si la cible est attaquée ou perd de vue la rune pendant plus de quelques secondes. Le symbole reste en place sur une longue durée, mais au bout de quelques heures, la faim et la soif finiront par tirer les victimes de leur état de stupeur (à moins qu'elles n'aient des provisions sur elle leur permettant de grignoter sans le quitter des yeux…). Les brutes, les simples d'esprit, ainsi que les personnes qui passent souvent devant le symbole sont immunisés à cet effet car ils n'y prêtent généralement pas attention.
Auteur: inconnu?




  • Niveau 10
    • Odeur de la Terre ferme

Base 2, personnel, jour +2, odorat +2
Le sorcier affute son odorat pour percevoir l'odeur ténue de la terre ferme, et repérer ainsi plus facilement la proximité d'une terre émergée.
Auteur: Cadarnus?

  • Niveau 20
    • Arcane de la Pierre

Base 4, connexion d'arcane +4
Permet de sentir la direction du lieu d'origine d'une pierre que l'on tient dans la main.
Auteur: Potentia










Spell Guidelines [en]

Spell Guidelines

List of spell guidelines collected by Chistopher Allen through all books of 5th edition of Ars Magica published before August 24, 2012.

ANIMAL Guidelines


  • Level 2:
    • Preserve a corpse from decay. [Covenants p.50]


  • Level 1:
    • Sense a supernatural creature of Might 50 or above with a Might associated with Animal. [RoP:M p.111]
  • Level 2:
    • Sense a supernatural creature of Might 40 or above with a Might associated with Animal. [RoP:M p.111]
    • Count the number of individuals in the spell Target. [TMRE p.93]
  • Level 3:
    • Sense a supernatural creature of Might 30 or above with a Might associated with Animal. [RoP:M p.111]
    • Count the number of individuals in the spell Target, divided into apparent categories. [TMRE p.93]
  • Level 4:
    • Sense a supernatural creature of Might 15 or above with a Might associated with Animal. [RoP:M p.111]
    • Sort the individuals in the spell Target into categories and count them. [TMRE p.93]
  • Level 5:
    • Sense any supernatural creature with a Might associated with Animal. [RoP:M p.111]




  • General:
    • Ward against beings associated with Animal from one supernatural realm with Might less than or equal to the Level of the spell. (Touch, Ring, Circle) [HoH:S p.114]
  • Level 1:
    • Manipulate items made of animal products. [Covenants p.50]
    • Craft an item from tanned leather. [HoH:S p.61]
    • Craft an item from prepared wool. [HoH:S p.61]
  • Level 2:
    • Treat items made of animal products. [Covenants p.50]
  • Level 3:
    • Treat and process items made of animal products. (For greater complexity add one or two magnitudes. Increased complexity usually also increases the Ease Factor of the mundane craft, and so increases the Finesse roll Ease Factor.) [Covenants p.50]
    • Craft an item from animal bone. [HoH:S p.61]
    • Craft an item from raw wool. [HoH:S p.61]
  • Level 5:
    • Cause vermin to spontaneously generate in appropriate matter, such as flesh, plants, soil, or water. [Art & Academe p.30]
    • Treat and process items made of animal products. (For greater complexity add one or two magnitudes. E.g. Base 15 might be used to weave thread into a tunic.) [Covenants p.51]
    • Ward against animals or objects made from animal products. (Touch, Ring, Circle) [HoH:S p.114]
    • Control a disembodied spirit of Animal. [TMRE p.28 and LoH p.65]
    • Control an Airy Spirit of Animal. [RoP:M p.111]
  • Level 15:
    • Summon a disembodied spirit of Animal. [TMRE p.28 and LoH p.65]
    • Summon an Airy Spirit of Animal. [RoP:M p.111]

AQUAM Guidelines

Note : Liquid lava counts as a corrosive liquid and the base Individual is a puddle with a volume of about 0.2 cubic feet. [HP p.12]


  • Level 3:
    • Create ice in a natural shape, such as a floe or icicle. [HoH:S p.34]
  • Level 25:
    • Create an elemental from a base amount of Aquam matter. [RoP:M p.133]


  • Level 1:
    • Sense a supernatural creature of Might 50 or above with a Might associated with Aquam. [RoP:M p.111]
  • Level 2:
    • Sense a supernatural creature of Might 40 or above with a Might associated with Aquam. [RoP:M p.111]
    • Count the number of individuals in the spell Target. [TMRE p.93]
  • Level 3:
    • Sense a supernatural creature of Might 30 or above with a Might associated with Aquam. [RoP:M p.111]
    • Count the number of individuals in the spell Target, divided into apparent categories. [TMRE p.93]
  • Level 4:
    • Sense a supernatural creature of Might 15 or above with a Might associated with Aquam. [RoP:M p.111]
    • Sort the individuals in the spell Target into categories and count them. [TMRE p.93]
  • Level 5:
    • Sense any supernatural creature with a Might associated with Aquam. [RoP:M p.111]


  • General:
    • Convert part of an Aquam elemental’s body into another type of Aquam matter, reducing the elementals Might Pool by the Level of the spell +10. If the elemental is not destroyed by this effect, when the duration ends it can restore this Might by re-absorbing the matter. [RoP:M p.133]


  • General:
    • Destroy sufficient matter to reduce an Aquam elemental’s Might Score by (the Level of the spell +10). [RoP:M p.133]


  • General:
    • Ward against beings associated with Aquam from one supernatural realm with Might less than or equal to the Level of the spell. (Touch, Ring, Circle) [HoH:S p.114]
  • Level 5:
    • Control a disembodied spirit of Aquam. [TMRE p.28 and LoH p.65]
    • Control an Airy Spirit of Aquam. [RoP:M p.111]
    • Completely control an Aquam elemental. [RoP:M p.133]
  • Level 15:
    • Summon a disembodied spirit of Aquam. [TMRE p.28 and LoH p.65]
    • Summon an Airy Spirit of Aquam. [RoP:M p.111]
  • Level 20:
    • Ward against liquids. (Touch, Ring, Circle) [HoH:S p.114]

AURAM Guidelines

Note : Volcanic fumes and ash both have a base Individual that covers an area with a diameter of about 100 paces. [HP p.12]


  • Level 25:
    • Create an elemental from a base amount of Auram matter. [RoP:M p.133]


  • Level 1:
    • Sense a supernatural creature of Might 50 or above with a Might associated with Auram. [RoP:M p.111]
  • Level 2:
    • Sense a supernatural creature of Might 40 or above with a Might associated with Auram. [RoP:M p.111]
    • Count the number of individuals in the spell Target. [TMRE p.93]
  • Level 3:
    • Sense a supernatural creature of Might 30 or above with a Might associated with Auram. [RoP:M p.111]
    • Count the number of individuals in the spell Target, divided into apparent categories. [TMRE p.93]
  • Level 4:
    • Sense a supernatural creature of Might 15 or above with a Might associated with Auram. [RoP:M p.111]
    • Sort the individuals in the spell Target into categories and count them. [TMRE p.93]
  • Level 5:
    • Sense any supernatural creature with a Might associated with Auram. [RoP:M p.111]


  • General:
    • Convert part of an Auram elemental’s body into another type of Auram matter, reducing the elementals Might Pool by the Level of the spell +10. If the elemental is not destroyed by this effect, when the duration ends it can restore this Might by re-absorbing the matter. [RoP:M p.133]
  • Level 4:
    • Transform a gas into a harmful gas causing a Light Wound (Stamina roll against Ease Factor 6 to resist) [HoH:S p.36]
  • Level 5:
    • Transform a gas into a harmful gas causing a Medium Wound (Stamina roll against Ease Factor 6 to resist) [HoH:S p.36]


  • General:
    • Destroy sufficient matter to reduce an Auram elemental’s Might Score by (the Level of the spell +10). [RoP:M p.133]


  • General:
    • Ward against beings associated with Auram from one supernatural realm with Might less than or equal to the Level of the spell. (Touch, Ring, Circle) [HoH:S p.114]
  • Level 5:
    • Control a disembodied spirit of Auram. [TMRE p.28 and LoH p.65]
    • Control an Airy Spirit of Auram. [RoP:M p.111]
    • Completely control an Auram elemental. [RoP:M p.133]
  • Level 10:
    • Ward against a type of minor weather phenomenon, such as mist. (Touch, Ring, Circle) [HoH:S p.114]
  • Level 15:
    • Ward against a type of normal weather phenomenon, such as rain. (Touch, Ring, Circle) [HoH:S p.114]
    • Summon a disembodied spirit of Auram. [TMRE p.28 and LoH p.65]
    • Summon an Airy Spirit of Auram. [RoP:M p.111]
  • Level 20:
    • Ward against a type of severe weather phenomenon, such as gale force winds. (Touch, Ring, Circle) [HoH:S p.114]
  • Level 25:
    • Ward against a type of very severe weather phenomenon, such as a bolt of lightning. (Touch, Ring, Circle) [HoH:S p.114]

CORPUS Guidelines

Note : There are clarifications and revisions of the core Corpus guidelines and spells on page 57 of Art & Academe.


  • Level 1:
    • Give a character a +1 bonus to disease Recovery rolls. [Art & Academe p.56]
    • The targets wounds are treated as one category less serious for the purposes of activities while injured. [Art & Academe p.60]
  • Level 2:
    • Give a character a +3 bonus to disease Recovery rolls. [Art & Academe p.56]
  • Level 3:
    • Give a character a +6 bonus to disease Recovery rolls. [Art & Academe p.56]
    • Give a character a +1 to childbirth rolls. [Art & Academe p.60]
  • Level 4:
    • Give a character a +9 bonus to disease Recovery rolls. [Art & Academe p.56]
    • Give a character a +3 to childbirth rolls. [Art & Academe p.60]
  • Level 5:
    • Give a character a +12 bonus to disease Recovery rolls. [Art & Academe p.56]
    • Give a character a +6 to childbirth rolls. [Art & Academe p.60]
  • Level 10:
    • Give a character a +15 bonus to disease Recovery rolls. [Art & Academe p.56]
  • Level 15:
    • Give a character a +18 bonus to disease Recovery rolls. [Art & Academe p.56]
    • Cure a Minor disease. [Art & Academe p.57]
  • Level 20:
    • Cure a Serious disease. [Art & Academe p.57]
  • Level 25:
    • Improve all wounds by one Level of severity [HoH:S p.100]
    • Heal the debilitating after-effects of a disease, poison, or injury, including those caused by surgery to save a Heavy or Incapacitating wound. [Art & Academe p.57]
    • Cure a Major disease. [Art & Academe p.57]
  • Level 30:
    • Cure a Critical disease. [Art & Academe p.57]
  • Level 35:
    • Cure any disease. [Art & Academe p.57]


  • Level 1:
    • Sense a supernatural creature of Might 50 or above with a Might associated with Corpus. [RoP:M p.111]
  • Level 2:
    • Sense a supernatural creature of Might 40 or above with a Might associated with Corpus. [RoP:M p.111]
    • Count the number of individuals in the spell Target. [TMRE p.93]
  • Level 3:
    • Sense a supernatural creature of Might 30 or above with a Might associated with Corpus. [RoP:M p.111]
    • Count the number of individuals in the spell Target, divided into apparent categories. [TMRE p.93]
  • Level 4:
    • Sense a supernatural creature of Might 15 or above with a Might associated with Corpus. [RoP:M p.111]
    • Sort the individuals in the spell Target into categories and count them. [TMRE p.93]
  • Level 5:
    • Sense any supernatural creature with a Might associated with Corpus. [RoP:M p.111]


  • Level 5:
    • Add or remove human body parts from the target in such a way that he no longer looks human. These parts are normally functional, although a spell may be deliberately designed so that they are not. The Target is Part, not Individual (although Groups and higher Targets work as normal). [MoH p.49]


  • Level 5:
    • Inflict a Minor or Serious disease with a maximum Severity 10. [Art & Academe p.57]
  • Level 10:
    • Inflict a Minor, Serious, or Major disease with a maximum Severity 15. [Art & Academe p.57]
  • Level 20:
    • Inflict any disease. [Art & Academe p.57]


  • General:
    • Ward against beings associated with Corpus from one supernatural realm with Might less than or equal to the Level of the spell. (Touch, Ring, Circle) [HoH:S p.114]
  • Level 3:
    • Invoke a minor symptom of a disease without creating any underlying malaise (e.g. rash, mild fever, cough). [Art & Academe p.57]
  • Level 5:
    • Invoke a major symptom of a disease without creating any underlying malaise (e.g. vomiting, boils, paralysis). [Art & Academe p.57]
    • Perform a trivial surgical procedure, inflicting a fatigue Level. [Art & Academe p.60]
    • Control a disembodied spirit of Corpus. [TMRE p.28 and LoH p.65]
    • Control an Airy Spirit of Corpus. [RoP:M p.111]
  • Level 10:
    • Perform a minor surgical procedure, inflicting a Light Wound or preventing a Light Wound from worsening. [Art & Academe p.60]
  • Level 15:
    • Perform a major surgical procedure, inflicting a Medium Wound or preventing a Medium Wound from worsening. [Art & Academe p.60]
    • Summon a disembodied spirit of Corpus. [TMRE p.28 and LoH p.65]
    • Summon an Airy Spirit of Corpus. [RoP:M p.111]
  • Level 20:
    • Perform a critical surgical procedure, preventing a Heavy Wound from worsening. [Art & Academe p.60]
  • Level 25:
    • Perform a life-saving surgical procedure, preventing an Incapacitating or Fatal Wound from worsening. [Art & Academe p.60]
  • Level 30:
    • Ward against human beings. (Touch, Ring, Circle) [HoH:S p.114]

HERBAM Guidelines


  • Level 2:
    • Preserve a dead plant from decay. [Covenants p.51]
  • Level 3:
    • Create and assemble the components for a pharmaceutical theriac. (Requisites: Animal and Terram) (Ritual) [Art & Academe p.70]
  • Level 15:
    • Repair a manufactured wooden item that has been damaged to the peak of its capabilities. This spell can also restore decay, but the damage must be light. [MoH p.139]


  • Level 1:
    • Sense a supernatural creature of Might 50 or above with a Might associated with Herbam. [RoP:M p.111]
  • Level 2:
    • Sense a supernatural creature of Might 40 or above with a Might associated with Herbam. [RoP:M p.111]
    • Count the number of individuals in the spell Target. [TMRE p.93]
  • Level 3:
    • Sense a supernatural creature of Might 30 or above with a Might associated with Herbam. [RoP:M p.111]
    • Count the number of individuals in the spell Target, divided into apparent categories. [TMRE p.93]
  • Level 4:
    • Sense a supernatural creature of Might 15 or above with a Might associated with Herbam. [RoP:M p.111]
    • Sort the individuals in the spell Target into categories and count them. [TMRE p.93]
  • Level 5:
    • Sense any supernatural creature with a Might associated with Herbam. [RoP:M p.111]




  • General:
    • Ward against beings associated with Herbam from one supernatural realm with Might less than or equal to the * Level of the spell. (Touch, Ring, Circle) [HoH:S p.114]
  • Level 1:
    • Craft an item from dried and prepared timber. [HoH:S p.61]
  • Level 3:
    • Manipulate items made of plant products. [Covenants p.51]
    • Assemble a pharmaceutical theriac. (Requisites: Animal and Terram) [Art & Academe p.70]
  • Level 4:
    • Treat items made of plant products. [Covenants p.51]
  • Level 5:
    • Treat and process items made of plant products. [Covenants p.51]
    • Craft an item from unprepared timber. [HoH:S p.61]
    • Control a disembodied spirit of Herbam. [TMRE p.28 and LoH p.65]
    • Control an Airy Spirit of Herbam. [RoP:M p.111]
  • Level 15:
    • Summon a disembodied spirit of Herbam. [TMRE p.28 and LoH p.65]
    • Summon an Airy Spirit of Herbam. [RoP:M p.111]
  • Level 30:
    • Ward against plant products. (Touch, Ring, Circle) [HoH:S p.114]

IGNEM Guidelines


  • Level 25:
    • Create an elemental from a base amount of Ignem matter. [RoP:M p.133]


  • Level 1:
    • Sense a supernatural creature of Might 50 or above with a Might associated with Ignem. [RoP:M p.111]
  • Level 2:
    • Sense a supernatural creature of Might 40 or above with a Might associated with Ignem. [RoP:M p.111]
    • Count the number of individuals in the spell Target. [TMRE p.93]
  • Level 3:
    • Sense a supernatural creature of Might 30 or above with a Might associated with Ignem. [RoP:M p.111]
    • Count the number of individuals in the spell Target, divided into apparent categories. [TMRE p.93]
  • Level 4:
    • Sense a supernatural creature of Might 15 or above with a Might associated with Ignem. [RoP:M p.111]
    • Sort the individuals in the spell Target into categories and count them. [TMRE p.93]
  • Level 5:
    • Sense any supernatural creature with a Might associated with Ignem. [RoP:M p.111]


  • General:
    • Convert part of an Ignem elemental’s body into another type of Ignem matter, reducing the elementals Might Pool by the * Level of the spell +10. If the elemental is not destroyed by this effect, when the duration ends it can restore this Might by re-absorbing the matter. [RoP:M p.133]


  • General:
    • Destroy sufficient matter to reduce an Ignem elemental’s Might Score by (the * Level of the spell +10). [RoP:M p.133]


  • General:
    • Ward against beings associated with Ignem from one supernatural realm with Might less than or equal to the * Level of the spell. (Touch, Ring, Circle) [HoH:S p.114]
  • Level 5:
    • Control a disembodied spirit of Ignem. [TMRE p.28 and LoH p.65]
    • Control an Airy Spirit of Ignem. [RoP:M p.111]
    • Completely control an Ignem elemental. [RoP:M p.133]
  • Level 15:
    • Summon a disembodied spirit of Ignem. [TMRE p.28 and LoH p.65]
    • Summon an Airy Spirit of Ignem. [RoP:M p.111]
  • Level 20:
    • Ward against fire doing up to +10 damage. (Touch, Ring, Circle) [HoH:S p.114]
  • Level 25:
    • Ward against fire doing up to +15 damage. (Touch, Ring, Circle) [HoH:S p.114]
  • Level 30:
    • Ward against fire doing up to +20 damage. (Touch, Ring, Circle) [HoH:S p.114]
  • Level 35:
    • Ward against fire doing up to +25 damage. (Touch, Ring, Circle) [HoH:S p.114]
  • Level 40:
    • Ward against fire doing up to +30 damage. (Touch, Ring, Circle) [HoH:S p.114]

IMAGINEM Guidelines

Note : There are clarifications of the core Imaginem guidelines on pages 61-66 of Houses of Hermes: Societates.



  • Level 1:
    • Sense a supernatural creature of Might 50 or above with a Might associated with Imaginem. [RoP:M p.111]
  • Level 2:
    • Sense a supernatural creature of Might 40 or above with a Might associated with Imaginem. [RoP:M p.111]
    • Count the number of individuals in the spell Target. [TMRE p.93]
  • Level 3:
    • Sense a supernatural creature of Might 30 or above with a Might associated with Imaginem. [RoP:M p.111]
    • Count the number of individuals in the spell Target, divided into apparent categories. [TMRE p.93]
  • Level 4:
    • Sense a supernatural creature of Might 15 or above with a Might associated with Imaginem. [RoP:M p.111]
    • Sort the individuals in the spell Target into categories and count them. [TMRE p.93]
  • Level 5:
    • Sense any supernatural creature with a Might associated with Imaginem. [RoP:M p.111]




  • General:
    • Ward against beings associated with Imaginem from one supernatural realm with Might less

than or equal to the * Level of the spell. (Touch, Ring, Circle) [HoH:S p.114]

  • Level 5:
    • Control a disembodied spirit of Imaginem. [TMRE p.28 and LoH p.65]
    • Control an Airy Spirit of Imaginem. [RoP:M p.111]
  • Level 15:
    • Summon a disembodied spirit of Imaginem. [TMRE p.28 and LoH p.65]
    • Summon an Airy Spirit of Imaginem. [RoP:M p.111]

MENTEM Guidelines

Notes :

  • There are clarifications of the core Mentem guidelines on pages 32-34 of Art & Academe.
  • There are clarifications of the core Mentem guidelines on pages 66-70 of Houses of Hermes: Societates.


  • Level 4:
    • Restore a memory of a brief event to a fresh state, as long as a fragment of it remains. The affected memory can be no more extensive than a short conversation (two or three rounds). [HoH:TL p.72]
  • Level 5:
    • Restore a memory of an event to a fresh state, as long as a fragment of it remains. The affected memory can be no more extensive than about two minutes. [HoH:TL p.73]
    • Construct an extremely detailed locus in the target’s memory palace. [TMRE p.26]
  • Level 10:
    • Restore a memory of a days events to a fresh state, as long as a fragment of it remains. Events are remembered as if they had occurred only an hour before. [HoH:TL p.73]
    • Spark a twinge of conscience in an intelligent beings mind, overriding the temporary obsession of a demon. [Art & Academe p.35]


  • Level 1:
    • Sense a supernatural creature of Might 50 or above with a Might associated with Mentem. [RoP:M p.111]
  • Level 2:
    • Sense a supernatural creature of Might 40 or above with a Might associated with Mentem. [RoP:M p.111]
    • Count the number of individuals in the spell Target. [TMRE p.93]
  • Level 3:
    • Sense a supernatural creature of Might 30 or above with a Might associated with Mentem. [RoP:M p.111]
    • Count the number of individuals in the spell Target, divided into apparent categories. [TMRE p.93]
  • Level 4:
    • Sense a supernatural creature of Might 15 or above with a Might associated with Mentem. [RoP:M p.111]
    • Sort the individuals in the spell Target into categories and count them. [TMRE p.93]
  • Level 5:
    • Sense any supernatural creature with a Might associated with Mentem. [RoP:M p.111]




  • General:
    • Ward against beings associated with Mentem from one supernatural realm with Might less than or equal to the * Level of the spell. (Touch, Ring, Circle) [HoH:S p.114]
    • Reinforce the target’s memory palace against magical attacks or attempts to modify his memories. [TMRE p.27]
  • Level 5:
    • Control a disembodied spirit of Mentem. [TMRE p.28 and LoH p.65]
    • Control an Airy Spirit of Mentem. [RoP:M p.111]
  • Level 15:
    • Summon a disembodied spirit of Mentem. [TMRE p.28 and LoH p.65]
    • Summon an Airy Spirit of Mentem. [RoP:M p.111]

TERRAM Guidelines

Note : Volcanic ash is the same magnitude of effect as sand, and the base Individual is 10 cubic paces of ash. Volcanic rock, and an entire volcano, counts as the same magnitude of effects as stone, and the base Individual is a cubic pace. Lava counts as the same magnitude of effect as a metal, and the base Individual size is a cubic foot. [HP p.12]


  • Level 3:
    • Create and assemble the components for an alchemical reagent. (Requisites: Animal and Herbam) (Ritual) [Art & Academe p.70]
  • Level 15:
    • Repair a crafted item, returning it to an “as new” state. [MoH p.31]
  • Level 25:
    • Create an elemental from a base amount of Terram matter. [RoP:M p.133]


  • Level 1:
    • Sense a supernatural creature of Might 50 or above with a Might associated with Terram. [RoP:M p.111]
  • Level 2:
    • Sense a supernatural creature of Might 40 or above with a Might associated with Terram. [RoP:M p.111]
    • Count the number of individuals in the spell Target. [TMRE p.93]
  • Level 3:
    • Sense a supernatural creature of Might 30 or above with a Might associated with Terram. [RoP:M p.111]
    • Count the number of individuals in the spell Target, divided into apparent categories. [TMRE p.93]
  • Level 4:
    • Sense a supernatural creature of Might 15 or above with a Might associated with Terram. [RoP:M p.111]
    • Sort the individuals in the spell Target into categories and count them. [TMRE p.93]
  • Level 5:
    • Sense any supernatural creature with a Might associated with Terram. [RoP:M p.111]
  • Level 30:
    • Commune with a natural rock. [HoH:TL p. 74]
    • Speak with a metal object. [HoH:TL p. 74]
  • Level 35:
    • Commune with an artificial rock (for example, a statue). [HoH:TL p. 74]
  • Level 40:
    • Commune with a metal object (for example, a knife). [HoH:TL p. 74]


  • General:
    • Convert part of a Terram elemental’s body into another type of Terram matter, reducing the elementals Might Pool by the * Level of the spell +10. If the elemental is not destroyed by this effect, when the duration ends it can restore this Might by re-absorbing the matter. [RoP:M p.133]


  • General:
    • Destroy sufficient matter to reduce a Terram elemental’s Might Score by (the * Level of the spell +10). [RoP:M p.133]
  • Level 5:
    • Destroy one aspect of dirt, such as its weight or its cohesiveness. [HoH:S p. 37]


  • General:
    • Ward against beings associated with Terram from one supernatural realm with Might less than or equal to the * Level of the spell. (Touch, Ring, Circle) [HoH:S p.114]
  • Level 2:
    • Shape and form dirt, as if a craftsman had worked it. (Add one magnitude for stone or glass, two for metal or gemstones. Add one or two magnitudes according to complexity.) [Covenants p.51]
  • Level 3:
    • Assemble an alchemical reagent. (Requisites: Animal and Herbam) [Art & Academe p.70]
    • Craft an item from glass. [HoH:S p.61]
  • Level 4:
    • Craft an item from gemstone, metal, or gemstone. [HoH:S p.61]
    • Transport a target instantly up to five paces. [MoH p.92]
  • Level 5:
    • Hurl a stone projectile with enough force to do +5 damage (range increment of 20 paces) [HoH:S p.38]
    • Control a disembodied spirit of Terram. [TMRE p.28 and LoH p.65]
    • Control an Airy Spirit of Terram. [RoP:M p.111]
    • Completely control a Terram elemental. [RoP:M p.133]
    • Transport a target instantly up to 50 paces. [MoH p.92]
  • Level 10:
    • Hurl a stone projectile with enough force to do +10 damage (range increment of 20 paces) [HoH:S p.38]
    • Transport a target instantly up to 500 paces. [MoH p.92]
  • Level 15:
    • Hurl a stone projectile with enough force to do +15 damage (range increment of 20 paces) [HoH:S p.38]
    • Summon a disembodied spirit of Terram. [TMRE p.28 and LoH p.65]
    • Summon an Airy Spirit of Terram. [RoP:M p.111]
    • Transport a target instantly up to one league. [MoH p.92]
  • Level 20:
    • Ward against dirt, sand, mud, or clay. (Touch, Ring, Circle) [HoH:S p.114]
    • Transport a target instantly up to seven leagues. [MoH p.92]
  • Level 25:
    • Ward against stone or glass. (Touch, Ring, Circle) [HoH:S p.114]
    • Transport a target instantly to a place to which you have an Arcane Connection. [MoH p.92]
  • Level 30:
    • Ward against metal or gemstone. (Touch, Ring, Circle) [HoH:S p.114]

VIM Guidelines


  • General:
    • Refreshes all spell traces within the target that are less than the magnitude of the guideline -1, in negative magnitude. [HoH:TL p.74]
    • Restore a demons Might Pool by (the * Level of the spell + 10), as long as the spell penetrates its Magic Resistance. [RoP:TI p.121]
    • Potentially strengthen a Magic aura; roll on the Aura Strengthening Table with a modifier equal to magnitude; the modifier must be 0 or greater, thus the minimum possible base * Level is 4. (Ritual) [RoP:M p.14]
  • Level 4:
    • Create a temporary Arcane Connection to a demon within range. [RoP:TI p.121]
  • Level 5:
    • Decrease the rate of decay of an Arcane Connection as if the connection were one step higher on the table in ArM5, page 84. If this increases the Duration to Years or greater, the duration of the connection continues to be measured in a period of years. Hermetic magic can not make an Arcane Connection last indefinitely without fixing the connection as described in ArM5, page 94. Note that the range is the range to the Arcane Connection, and you must know what you are targeting just like any other spell. [MoH p.113]
  • Level 10:
    • Decrease the rate of decay of an Arcane Connection as if the connection were two steps higher on the table in ArM5, page 84, subject to the same limits as the * Level 5 guideline. [MoH p.113]
  • Level 15:
    • Decrease the rate of decay of an Arcane Connection as if the connection were three steps higher on the table in ArM5, page 84, subject to the same limits as the * Level 5 guideline. [MoH p.113]


  • General:
    • Detect the traces of magic of negative magnitude up to the magnitude of the guideline used -2. (+3 magnitudes gives the rough details of the effect and the sigil of the caster. This * Level

also enables the Quaesitor to tell if a Hermetic effect was created by a spell or invested device. Quaesitors with extensive experience of a particular sort of non-Hermetic power can also identify that; the limit is the Quaesitors ability to interpret the information provided by the spell.) [HoH:TL p.74]

  • Level 1:
    • Sense a supernatural creature of Might 50 or above with a Might associated with Vim. [RoP:M p.111]
    • Sense a supernatural creature of Might 50 or above of a specific type or with a Might associated with a specific Realm. [Implied in HP p.101, matched to similar guidelines, and confirmed]
  • Level 2:
    • Sense a supernatural creature of Might 40 or above with a Might associated with Vim. [RoP:M p.111]
    • Sense a supernatural creature of Might 40 or above of a specific type or with a Might associated with a specific Realm. [Implied in HP p.101, matched to similar guidelines, and confirmed]
    • Count the number of individuals in the spell Target. [TMRE p.93]
  • Level 3:
    • Sense a supernatural creature of Might 30 or above with a Might associated with Vim.

[RoP:M p.111]

  • Sense a supernatural creature of Might 30 or above of a specific type or with a Might associated with a specific Realm. [Implied in HP p.101, matched to similar guidelines, and confirmed]
  • Count the number of individuals in the spell Target, divided into apparent categories. [TMRE p.93]
  • Level 4:
  • Discern the alignment of an aura. [RoP:M p.14]
  • Sense a supernatural creature of Might 15 or above with a Might associated with Vim. [RoP:M p.111]
  • Sense a supernatural creature of Might 15 or above of a specific type or with a Might associated with a specific Realm. [Implied in HP p.101, matched to similar guidelines, and confirmed]
  • Sort the individuals in the spell Target into categories and count them. [TMRE p.93]
  • Level 5:
  • Speak with a demon. [RoP:TI p.121]
  • Sense any supernatural creature with a Might associated with Vim. [RoP:M p.111]
  • Sense any supernatural creature of a specific type or with a Might associated with a specific Realm. [Implied in HP p.101, matched to similar guidelines, and confirmed]
  • Level 10:
  • Detect an active magic and any trace of positive magnitude. [HoH:TL p.74]
  • Detect the Gift. [HMRE p.6 and App p.33]


  • General:
    • Bind a demon with Might equal to (the * Level of the spell + 10) to a person or object. [RoP:TI p.121]
    • Pass control of a spell of a specific Form to another person. The * Level of the affected spell must be less than or equal to the * Level of this spell + 2 magnitudes. [HP p.97-98]


  • General:
    • Ages a spell trace to a negative magnitude equal to the guideline used. [HoH:TL p.75]
    • Dispel a Hermetic enchantment with a * Level less than the guideline used + a stress die (no botch). (Ritual) [HoH:TL p.75]
    • Dispel a specific type of enchantment with a * Level less than twice the guideline * Level used + a stress die (no botch). To qualify the spell needs to specify a particular Hermetic Form or a specific type of enchantment, such as Talismans, Familiars, or Longevity Rituals. More general enchantments do not qualify. (Ritual) [HoH:TL p.75]
    • Reduce the Casting Total for a specific type of magic (such as Infernal Powers) cast by the target by the ( * Level + 2 magnitudes) of the spell. If two or more such spells affect one target, ony the highest has any effect; the penalties do not add. The spell must penetrate the target’s Magic Resistance in order to have any effect. [RoP:TI p.121]
    • Reduce a target’s Might Pool by (the * Level of the spell + 10), as long as the spell penetrates the creature’s Magic Resistance. [RoP:TI p.121]
    • Potentially weaken a Magic aura; roll on the Aura Weakening Table with a modifier equal to magnitude; the modifier must be 0 or greater, thus the minimum possible base * Level is 4. (Ritual) [RoP:M p.14]


  • General:
    • Ward against beings associated with Vim from one supernatural realm with Might less than or equal to the * Level of the spell. (Touch, Ring, Circle) [HoH:S p.114]
    • Sustain or suppress a spell of a specific type cast by another with * Level less than the * Level +2 magnitudes of the Vim spell. Examples of specific types include Hermetic Terram magic and Shamanic spirit control magic [and curse magic]. [HoH:S p.129]
    • Summon a demon with Infernal Might less than (the * Level of the spell + 20). (Ritual) [RoP:TI p.121]
    • Summon an Aspect of a Daimon if ( * Level + 4 magnitudes) equals or exceeds twice its Might. (Ritual) [RoP:M p.111]
  • Level 5:
    • Control a disembodied spirit of Vim. [TMRE p.28 and LoH p.65]
    • Control an Airy Spirit of Vim. [RoP:M p.111]
    • Control an Airy Spirit of a specific Realm. [RoP:M p.111]
    • Activate an enchanted device with a simple trigger (i.e., not a linked trigger or an environmental trigger, see ArM5 page 99). The caster must know the triggering action for the target device

either because he invested the enchantment himself, because he investigated the enchantment in the laboratory or because he has learned it in some other manner such as being shown the action by someone else who already knows it. The target item is activated directly by the Rego Vim spell; the normal trigger is not reproduced. [LoH p.107]

  • Level 15:
    • Summon a disembodied spirit of Vim. [TMRE p.28 and LoH p.65]
    • Summon an Airy Spirit of Vim. [RoP:M p.111]
    • Summon an Airy Spirit of a specific Realm. [RoP:M p.111]
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