====== Namespaced Template ======
---- template ----
description : template heavily based on DokuWiki's default template with namespace related magic
author : Simon Delage
email : simon.geekitude@gmail.com
lastupdate_dt : 2015-02-10
compatible : Hrun
depends :
conflicts :
similar : DokuWiki
screenshot_img: template:dokuwiki_template.png
tags : sidebar, topbar, mobile, responsive, namespace, logo, banner
sourcerepo : https://github.com/geekitude/dokuwiki-template-namespaced
downloadurl : https://github.com/geekitude/dokuwiki-template-namespaced/archive/master.zip
bugtracker : https://github.com/geekitude/dokuwiki-template-namespaced/issues
This is a modification of the [[template:dokuwiki|default template bundled with DokuWiki]] with added features (list below).
The original template was designed by [[clarencedglee@gmail.com|Clarence Lee]] and authored by [[anika@selfthinker.org|Anika Henke]].
===== Features =====
* Optional [[tips:topbar]] (can be namespace dependent, inherited from parent(s) or not)
* Optional [[config:sidebar]]
* Optional logo (can be namespace dependent, inherited from parent(s) or not)
* Optional banner (can be namespace dependent, inherited from parent(s) or not)
* Tagline can be replaced by current page title beside at wiki start (tagline and title positions can be switched)
* Nice integration of [[plugin:translation|Translation]] and [[plugin:userhomepage|User Homepage]] plugins if they're enabled
* Mobile support (Desktop, Tablet, Phone sizes)
* HTML5 compatible
===== Download and Install ======
Install the template using the Extension Manager and the download URL above, which points to the latest version.
Refer to [[template|Templates]] on how to manually install and use templates in DokuWiki.
===== Customizing =====
This template offers quite a few settings to customize it to suit your likings. Let me know if you feel something should be added USING GITHUB ISSUE?????????????????????????????????????????????
==== Settings ====
^ Setting (''default value'') ^ Possible values ^ Effect ^
^ topbarwidth (''480'') | positive integer < or = 100 | Topbar width in % of window |
^ ::: | positive integer > 100 | Topbar width in pixels |
^ topbarposition (''absolute'') | absolute | Topbar will scroll with page |
^ ::: | fixed | Topbar will stick to the top of browser window |
^ topbarbgcolor (''empty string'') | empty string |
__site_width__ = "100%"
You can use this file to override any other variable from the ''style.ini'' as well. E.g. for changing some of the colors.
==== Changing the Logo ====
The Logo, Favicon and Apple Touch (bookmark) icons are looked up from multiple locations. The default icons (DokuWiki logo) provided by the template can be easily exchanged by uploading the image files to their correct locations using the [[:media_manager|Media Manager popup]] or [[:fullscreen mediamanager|Fullscreen Media Manager]].
Here are the locations checked by the template code:
* The site's logo
* '':wiki:logo.png''
* '':logo.png''
* ''lib/tpl/dokuwiki/images/logo.png''
* The favicon
* '':wiki:favicon.ico''
* '':favicon.ico''
* ''lib/tpl/dokuwiki/images/favicon.ico''
* The bookmark icon used by Apple and Android devices
* '':wiki:apple-touch-icon.png''
* '':apple-touch-icon.png''
* ''lib/tpl/dokuwiki/images/apple-touch-icon.png''
==== Action Hooks ====
Plugins can integrate into the template without any need for modifying the template by providing an [[devel:action_plugins|Action component]] to handle the custom action hooks triggered by the template.
This [[devel:event:TEMPLATE_PAGETOOLS_DISPLAY|event]] allows to extend or modify the floating pagetools menu. ''%%$event->data['items']%%'' contains an array with HTML for each item in the menu. Plugin authors should match the existing style and provide needed CSS and background image. You can use different styling or classes or markup depending on ''$conf['template']''. ''%%$event->data['view']%%'' contains information whether the pagetools are called in the ''main'' or the ''detail'' view.
==== Supported Include Hooks ====
Include hooks allow you to add additional HTML or PHP to the template without modifying any of the template files itself, making them safe to survive an update. Just create the appropriate file in either the template directory (''lib/tpl/dokuwiki/'') or your ''conf/'' directory.
^ Filename ^ Position of included HTML ^
| ''meta.html'' | Inside the HTML
.dokuwiki .topbar ul { background-color: __background_alt__; }
===== Sites using this Template =====
* Add yours here